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美国微技术Microtech #173-11 Tachyon III Balisong Apocalyptic “光速粒子3” Elmax粉末钢石洗半齿刃博伊头黑色铝柄蝴蝶甩刀
- ECS003223
- 美国微技术Microtech #173-11 Tachyon III Balisong Apocalyptic “光速粒子3” Elmax粉末钢石洗半齿刃博伊头黑色铝柄蝴蝶甩刀
- 3320
The latest generation of the Tachyon butterfly knife, the production Microtech Tachyon III, distinguishes itself from previous models with milled, single-piece channel construction handles, a spring latch, and a standard pocket clip. The blade showcases a non-sharpened swedge-ground tip and milled grooves with the Microtech logo, production date, and blade steel markings up front.
What would a brilliant design be without that smooth action you crave? The Tachyon III exceeds all expectations with an advanced ceramic ball-bearing pivot assembly that eliminates handle play and produces first-class flipping dynamics. The pivots utilize Viton o-rings for load dampening, and heat treated stainless steel retainer plates ensure long-lasting performance.
This Tachyon III model has a partially serrated, stonewashed Elmax steel clip point blade and durable type III black anodized handles.
Athony Marfione在微技术原有的Tachyon 光速粒子基础上,历经长时间研发和完善后,推出了成熟版的光速粒子三代作品。石洗/天启处理的ELMAX钢博弈刀型,刀片更加宽大,刀刃极为锋利,极耐刮花,拥有出色的切削能力,刀头部分经过精心打磨和加厚处理后拥有破甲穿刺能力。为了更好的保障刃部和刀头部分的完整性,刀身开有减压血槽。刀柄由6061航天铝合金一体成型配有防滑槽,主轴内部的陶瓷珠轴承顺滑又不是很松垮,大大增加开合时的使用寿命和感受。利用氟橡胶O型圈负载缓冲和热处理的不锈钢固定板确保长期持久的性能。手柄上配有传统背夹,方便携带。尾部的弹簧T梢做工精密,锁定更稳固
刀型:折刀 刃材:Elmax 柄材:6061航空铝 锁型: 全长:25.5厘米 刃长:11.4厘米 闭合:14厘米 刃厚:0.4厘米 硬度:58-60HRC 重量:147克 品牌:美国 产地:美国 刀鞘: 附件: 其他:
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