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  • 美国微技术/Microtech: Ultratech S/E Spearpoint - Death Card Memento Mori (Left Side Card)“死亡记忆”Elmax钢矛头黑色铝柄限量版直跳(图案左边部分)
美国微技术/Microtech: Ultratech S/E Spearpoint - Death Card Memento Mori (Left Side Card)“死亡记忆”Elmax钢矛头黑色铝柄限量版直跳(图案左边部分)
  • 商品货号:ECS002630
  • 人  气  值:2860
  • 商品品牌:微技术[MicroTech]
  • 用户评价:comment rank 5
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  • ECS002630
  • 美国微技术/Microtech: Ultratech S/E Spearpoint - Death Card Memento Mori (Left Side Card)“死亡记忆”Elmax钢矛头黑色铝柄限量版直跳(图案左边部分)
  • 2292
Memento Mori - Remember you must die
Limited edition with a bit of the grim. The famous ace of spades "death card" Microtech style! Choose your companion piece with a different blade style in the other side of the helmet to have a full set.
The Frame: Aircraft grade aluminum with black finish and bronze hardware. Custom ace of spades "death card" artwork. Microtech's Apocalyptic bronze finish on pocket clip and glass breaker tip.
The Blade: Elmax stainless steel in spearpoint profile finished in Microtech's Apocalyptic bronze finish, with Latin "Memento Mori" engraving banner.
Memento Mori Comes from ancient Rome. A victorious general would return to Rome for his Triumph parade where the citizens would heave praise on him. It is said a slave would follow behind saying "Respice post te. Hominem te memento" ( "Look after you [to the time after your death] and remember you're [only] a man."). Basically, don't get too big for yer britches there Cesar, cause we all meet our fate!
Specifications 参数
Overall Length(全长): 8.5 in (21.6厘米)
Blade Length(刀片长度): 3 3/8 in (8.6厘米)
Cutting Edge Length(刃长): 3 1/8 in (7.9厘米)
Blade Thickness(刃厚): .125 in (0.32厘米)
Weight(重量): 3.6 oz (102克)
Blade Material(刃材): Elmax stainless (Elmax不锈钢

Handle Materia(刀柄材质)l: Aluminum(铝)

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