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Zero Tolerance ZT零误差 #0620CF “Emerson Tanto Carbon fiber” 零误差与埃莫森合作款战术折刀 CTS-204P超级粉末钢+碳纤维柄+埃莫森闪电快开
- ECS002132
- Zero Tolerance ZT零误差 #0620CF “Emerson Tanto Carbon fiber” 零误差与埃莫森合作款战术折刀 CTS-204P超级粉末钢+碳纤维柄+埃莫森闪电快开
- 5448
Zero Tolerance 0620CF EMERSON TANTO:
Zero Tolerance and Emerson Knives put their hard-use heads together to create the new 0620CF.
It features a blade of Carpenter CTS-204P powdered steel blade in a modified tanto style. CTS-204P offers a premium combination of features: the ability to take a very sharp edge, wear resistance for superior edge retention, toughness, and polish-ability. When creating this alloy, one of the uses Carpenter specifically had in mind was making custom knives. A combined finish of stonewash and satin provides a handsome look.
Of course, the 0620CF features the patented Emerson "wave shaped feature" that enables the knife to be opened as it is removed from the pocket. By the time the knife has been fully withdrawn from the pocket, the blade is deployed and ready for use. A small wave-shaped tab on the top of the blade is built to catch on the pocket seam, opening the knife as it comes out of the pocket. This Emerson instant-open feature is a favorite among military, rescue, and law enforcement knife users.
The handle features a carbon fiber front scale with a stonewashed titanium back. Blade lock up is ensured with a sturdy frame lock. Hardened steel inserts in the lockbar make it extra durable.
此款ZT0620CF “EMERSON TANTO” 可以说是两个世界上最著名的战术刀品牌的合作型号,命名为“埃莫森”,是零误差公司以埃莫森公司最著名的型号设计而来。主要造型参考了EMERSON,细节部位采用了ZT的设计。主刀采用CTS-204超级粉末钢,这种钢具有极好的硬度和耐腐蚀性,是目前热门的一款制刀钢材。刀身采用石洗和钢本色拉丝双重处理,增加刀身耐磨性。刀身开启也采用了埃莫森经典的推刀盘和闪电快开系统,将刀从口袋里掏出的顺即可开刀,减少开刀占用的时间,哪怕只有0.1秒,对于生死考验也是至关重要的。 手柄为了减轻整体重量,采用了碳纤维材质包裹,,采用经典的框架锁结构,锁定和刀身接触的部位,采用可以更换的设计,接触部位是一块经过热处理的钢片,假如使用中有磨损,可以更换。 手柄设计有一个可左右互换位置的口袋夹,可以根据需要,调整开刀的位置。此款没有系绳孔,但是有一个系绳的圆柱。
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界。由于有着手工版的做工品质,ZT一经问世,便很快在刀具界异军突起。
刀型:折刀 刃材:CTS-204P超级粉末钢 柄材:碳纤维+钛合金 锁型:框架锁 全长:21.6厘米 刃长:9.1厘米
闭合:12.4厘米 刃厚:0.4厘米 硬度:59-60HRC 重量:181克 品牌:美国 产地:美国 刀鞘: 附件: 其他:
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